The world of computers is a fast-changing one, with advances that are sure to take the average person by surprise. Experts are saying that by 2023, we will be using devices such as drones for everything from taking selfies to delivering goods. There is no doubt that this technology will come for our use sooner or later; it just makes sense to get a headstart on it now! Though it’s hard to imagine what’s next for computers, you’ll have your mind blown when you know how much has changed since 2012.

What To Expect From Technology In 2023

(Key trends to watch in 2012- Forbes)

One of the most anticipated technological advances in 2023 is the ‘brain chip.’ The brain chip will be implanted in our brains by microprocessors. It is said that by 2023, we’ll have gadgets that allow us to do what we can’t physically do now. We won’t have to think about it, because it will already have been programmed into our brains. Once the brain chip has been installed, we’ll be able to access a variety of information through voice signals and pictures. The chip will make our lives easier than ever before! This technology could bring everything from self-learning systems to self-driving cars (with no human assistance required). With the ability to pair it with our smartphones, we could just think about calling contact and the smartphone will accept this as command and begin the call. 

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Another incredible 2023 technology is the 3D printer. This printer can create full-sized models of humans and real-life objects, as well as parts for machinery and vehicles. With this machine, we’ll be able to create whatever we need, whenever we need it! Additionally, by 2023, the 3D printer will have gone through many changes. The machines will move more quickly so there is less down time. And they will have the ability to take in new materials that are not currently in use (e.g., paper and plastic).

Though all of these things sound like something you’d only see in a sci-fi movie, they are all real potentials as we get closer to 2023.

How will technology change in 2023?

The first thing that you might notice is a lack of cell phones by this time in the year. Smartphones are already being replaced by other, more modern technology. Most people will have devices such as the Amazon Kindle and Google Glass instead (with augmented reality at their core). These devices are more than just an electronic book and a pair of glasses; they can make our lives easier in many ways! There’s no doubt that these devices will continue to change over the next few years, and by 2023, they will be smarter than ever.

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In 2023, technology such as the internet and 360-degree cameras will be even more advanced. There will be more and more improvements (as always) over the next few years, and by 2030, these technologies will have become even more popular!

In 2023, computers will be able to identify human emotions and respond in a way that fits the mood. Your laptop will be able to read your emotions and help you overcome any obstacles that you may be facing. But this is just one example; we’ll see a lot of advances in technology over the next few years!

Just as there are different kinds of apps for our phones now, you’ll be using apps on your glasses-like devices in 2023. These apps will be called ‘Augmented Reality Apps.’ An app might allow you to see a 3D schematic of an object so that you can create it through your 3D printer. As we get closer to 2023, these apps will become more sophisticated.

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Finally, in 2023, we’ll be able to use technology to control our emotions. We’ll be able to control them so well that we won’t have any outbursts or angry responses. What’s more, people will no longer need medications to help them with their emotions; they’ll be able to use technology instead.

In only five years time, computers will have developed substantially. For example, computers will be able to connect to the central nervous system. The human brain will be able to communicate with the computer through an implanted chip in the brain. This technology will open up many doors for people! It is said that this type of technology will make jobs easier and more efficient in many ways.


Ruby has been a writer and author for a while, and her content appears all across the tech world, from within ReadWrite, BusinessMagazine, ThriveGlobal, etc.

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