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Every firm or business hires experienced professionals to develop applications, and this process starts with the interviewing process. We all know an interview is the most important part of any job search, both for the employer and the employee. The interview is a two-way process, which helps determine whether an applicant will be a good fit for the job. When you are looking to hire an iOS app developer, screening candidates becomes even more important as it will determine who is right for the job and whether or not you can trust them to do a good job.
In other words, an interview is the foundation of any role you hire for in the organization. To interview a top iOS app developer, understanding the job requirements, preparing the right questions, and having a well-structured interview process will help you make an informed hiring decision. Let’s explore some interview questions that can help you assess the skills and experience of an iOS app developer for your project.
Can you explain which JSON Framework Is Used For iOS?
The JSON framework used for iOS is the open-source library called SBJSON. It is a lightweight framework that can convert objects into JSON strings and vice versa. The SBJSON offers support for different data types, including dictionaries, arrays, strings, and numbers.
This question enables you to understand the technical knowledge of an iOS app developer. If the candidate needs to become more familiar with this framework, you can ask them about other frameworks and libraries they have used in the past. This is a basic question to ask in the interview process.
What Are The Different Types Of iOS Application States?
iOS applications can be in five states: Not running, Inactive, Active, Background, and Suspended. Not running indicates that the application is not launched or has been terminated by the system. The Inactive state means the application is running in the foreground but is not receiving events.
The active state indicates that the application is running in the foreground and is receiving events. The background state means the application runs in the background and performs tasks. Finally, the suspended state means that the application is not executing code but might remain resident in memory.
This question helps you to understand how well a candidate understands iOS development concepts, such as states of an app. You can also ask how the app behaves when it transitions from one state to another.
Can You Differentiate Between App ID From Bundle ID?
An App ID is a two-part string used to identify an application. The first part is the unique Team ID provided by Apple, and the second is an arbitrary identifier you create for each app.
The Bundle ID or bundle identifier uniquely identifies an application in the App Store and other distributions of your app. App IDs are used to register your app with Apple, and Bundle IDs are used to identify your app.
This question is usually asked to determine if the candidate understands the difference between App ID and Bundle ID. It can also help you to evaluate their knowledge of Apple’s development process.

What Do You Mean By Deep Linking In iOS?
Deep linking is connecting one app with another or within an app to different content. Deep links provide a way to link directly to specific activities or locations within an application and leverage user context to present the most relevant content.
This allows users to easily navigate deep inside the app’s content hierarchy without searching for it. Photo editing apps, for instance, often use deep links to link directly to the photo editor, bypassing the need for users to search and select the correct item to edit a photo.
This question can help you evaluate the candidate’s knowledge of deep linking in iOS. It also helps to understand if they have experience integrating and setting up deep links within an app.
Explain What Is GCD In iOS?
GCD stands for Grand Central Dispatch, a technology developed by Apple to help manage the execution of tasks across multi-core processors.
GCD enables developers to improve application performance by allowing them to divide their workload into separate threads that can be scheduled for asynchronous, concurrent processing. GCD also provides an efficient way to queue tasks and execute them in the requested order.
This question helps to determine if the candidate understands GCD and how it can be used for asynchronous processing. It also helps you evaluate their experience with multi-threading and queuing tasks.
Can You State The Difference Between Cocoa And Cocoa Touch?
Cocoa is the application framework used on Mac OS X and iOS, while Cocoa Touch is a framework specially designed for touch-based devices like iPhones and iPads.
Cocoa includes classes used to implement graphical user interface (GUI) elements, such as windows, views, buttons, menus, menus, bars, etc., while Cocoa Touch consists of classes for creating mobile applications. Cocoa Touch also supports accelerometers, multi-touch gestures, and other features unavailable with Cocoa.
If the candidate cannot answer this question, it could indicate a lack of experience developing mobile applications. It is an important question when interviewing for an iOS app developer position.