Games are a unique phenomenon. According to the Pew Research Center, 90% of students play video games. Such persistence is teachers’ dream because capturing the students` attention for a long time is a real art. Why are games so popular?

How do video games impact the learning process?

There are a lot of students who pay a lot of attention to games and little learning. But how common is this problem? In 2014, a study of 192,000 students from 22 countries was published. The following facts were described:

  • Firstly, researchers found that the prevalence of video games reaches more than 75% among adolescents in industrialized countries. 
  • Secondly, games do affect student performance. But this impact is so tiny that researchers have not recognized the game as a problem.

Today’s research is not about studying the impact of games on learning but about introducing games into education because playing is more interesting than reading. Games have great educational potential. Today there are two main areas of application of games in education – gamification and serious games.

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Gamification uses game elements in non-gaming activities: for example, for educational purposes. Any game is a system of rules and elements. Badges (awards), levels, ratings, and time limits are typical game elements. And they can be used in education. Serious games are full-fledged games with a specific purpose (finding solutions to particular problems). Serious games are used in education and the field of defense, health care, etc.

Essay about the role of video games for students

An essay is a special type of student work typical for all specialties. Small in volume but rich in content, an essay on a specific problem contains personal observations, original conclusions, and non-standard methods for solving the problem. If you get the task of writing an essay about how video games affect students, you can describe two ideas here:  

·      Games are freedom of choice

The player is autonomous: he has his character, controls his actions, and decides what he will do. This choice is limited, but it is. And the choice is encouraging. Allowing a student to choose and be independent does not mean letting him go free. You have to suggest different types of tasks to choose from. The student will choose what suits him and will solve it. This way, he will feel responsible for his actions and not guided by the teacher’s instructions. If students are allowed to choose which examples to solve and how many, they will feel that they are managing their learning. In addition, it is possible to achieve the balance necessary for the state of the flow because students will not solve too complex or easy tasks but those that are within their capabilities.

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·      Games develop the spirit

Video games are the most popular, where a person plays not alone, but in a team. Being a member of a team is an essential aspect of motivation. For students to achieve good results, you can offer the following alternative: to encourage not a personal competition but competition between groups. Then the social context will be involved in learning, and students will hone teamwork skills.

How to order an essay about video games in writing service?

Not every student can complete an essay qualitatively because this task requires the ability to generalize and analyze the material, clearly and consistently express one’s thoughts, and draw conclusions. In this case, an essay writing service is the best solution to an issue. Qualified and experienced authors of the company are ready to complete an essay to order as quickly and efficiently as possible. The finished text will be submitted in the key that the customer needs: informational, analytical, and conceptual. 


The secret is that the service’s specialists are professional authors who have been assisting in writing essays for many years. The company has brought together professionals from all fields of science who know exactly what to write and how to design. They are ready to take on an essay to order urgently. And the customer will receive in the shortest possible time the work that will meet all quality standards: By choosing the right artist, you will be able to write an essay on any topic. The specialist will reveal the problem under consideration, formulate the author’s position, and argue it. So, buying an article online is an easy and effective way to solve a problem when there is not enough time, opportunity, or knowledge to write the paper yourself.


Ruby has been a writer and author for a while, and her content appears all across the tech world, from within ReadWrite, BusinessMagazine, ThriveGlobal, etc.

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