How to transfer chats from WhatsApp to Telegram? Initially, different platforms, different security mechanisms, and different principles of working with the cloud, logically, should not allow one messenger to transfer chats from another. Until recently, this was the case, and most did not even think of transferring something. Everyone perfectly understood that such a castling was impossible. But Pavel Durov decided that it would be nice to do something impossible, especially if it will add to his user service. So, here we are. We can now transfer chats from WhatsApp to Telegram. Here is how!

How to transfer chats from WhatsApp to Telegram on iOS? 3 Step Detailed Guide

Transfer chats from WhatsApp to Telegram: A quick guide!

A special tool for transferring chats from WhatsApp, Signal, Line, KakaoTalk, and other instant messengers will officially appear in Telegram. Pavel Durov’s team decided after the WhatsApp management intended to introduce changes to the privacy policy.

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According to the new provisions, part of WhatsApp users’ private data was transferred to Facebook. Even though Facebook Inc. has already owned the messenger for many years, many users did not like it, and they decided to leave for Telegram.

How to transfer chats from WhatsApp to Telegram?

How to transfer chats from WhatsApp to Telegram on iOS? 3 Step Detailed Guide

Telegram added the function of accepting the import of chats from WhatsApp and other messengers. However, then for some reason, they hid it.

Function import chats to Telegram – these are not just the messenger developers’ plans, which will not be known when implemented. Quite the opposite. This night Telegram update was released in App Store # 7.4, the key innovation of transferring chats from a competing messenger. True, just a few minutes later, the developers forcibly removed such a useful feature, obviously applying the servers’ changes. Most likely, it was done because its implementation left much to be desired.

The new toolkit works very simply. Surely many have seen the “Export Chat” feature in WhatsApp. Initially, it was intended to transfer a specific chat from WhatsApp to WhatsApp, just to another device, but the Telegram developers could adapt their messenger for it. As a result, the process of transferring chats (useful when the update is still released) looks like this.

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How to transfer chats from WhatsApp to Telegram? 3 Easy Steps

Step 1: Launch WhatsApp and select the desired chat;

Step 2: In the context menu, select “Export chat”;

Step 3: In the “Share” tab, select Telegram;

How to transfer chats from WhatsApp to Telegram? 3 Easy Steps

WhatsApp has a chat export feature for a long time.

  • WhatsApp will generate a ZIP file and send it to Telegram;
  • Confirm which contact you want to link this chat too, and that’s it.

Transferring data from WhatsApp to Telegram

How to transfer chats from WhatsApp to Telegram on iOS? 3 Step Detailed Guide

In Telegram, you can independently select the contact to which you want to link the imported chat.

The import is carried out in two formats: only text messages and text messages + media files sent and received by you. In the first case, the ZIP file’s weight will be minimal (no more than 500 KB), and in the second case, it can reach several gigabytes, depending on how many media files you have sent or received. This can be anything from voice messages and documents to pictures and videos. After that, all chats are synchronized with the user to whom you linked the chat, and you can interact with each other as before.

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Conclusion: Transfer chats from WhatsApp to Telegram

Since Telegram has not yet officially confirmed the import function’s launch, it is difficult to say whether it really works for all users, how chats are synchronized for different platforms, whether there are any restrictions on the versions of Telegram or WhatsApp used and whether it is safe. If the export function in WhatsApp was there before, the developers thought about this moment in advance, and they just smudged in Telegram for our convenience. Well, that’s good.


Ruby has been a writer and author for a while, and her content appears all across the tech world, from within ReadWrite, BusinessMagazine, ThriveGlobal, etc.

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