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Practice Makes Perfect: 8 Reasons You Struggle Learning JavaScript

Practice Makes Perfect: 8 Reasons You Struggle Learning JavaScript

Any coding language takes time. You need to remember common mistakes, rules, and patterns. Whether you are a newbie or a professional, you might feel pressure to immediately figure out another language if you’ve worked with a different one before. Yet, it’s normal to stumble upon some issues that come with learning something new. 

JavaScript (JS) was born back in 1995. Since then, its relevance and popularity haven’t ceased. On the contrary, it’s among the popular programming languages for 2022. It’s used by more than 94% of websites, mobile devices, and desktop software. 

As a student who balances a job and studies, you understand the importance of dedicating enough time to new knowledge. As much as we all want coding to be a magic trick, it takes time and a lot of practice. That’s when comes to help with some of your assignments while you redistribute your free time for coding. You will thank your past self for time management and prioritizing later.

Is it worth learning JavaScript?

Many people love to paint JavaScript as the main villain of the season when they begin learning it. It’s not an easy language to learn, but neither is any other coding language for a person who starts their journey in coding. Yet, you can check right now and try opening a console in your web browser. That’s what this language looks like – scary but quickly makes sense when you try to understand it, not fight it. 

JavaScript is native to web browsers, and some of its features were inspired by other programming languages. It makes JS a melting pot worth learning. 

Knowing this programming language makes you a versatile expert who is equally competent in the areas of frontend, backend, mobile, and desktop apps. JavaScript is one the most obvious options for people who build a career in web development, mobile apps, and game design. Many experts believe that JS is a language you should pick first and then widen your areas of expertise. The time spent learning it depends on your level, the time you can dedicate to practicing it, and usually, it takes about six months to start doing something. 

You give up after failing

Just like anything in this world, you will fail a lot during your learning time. Many people jump to conclusions that JS is not for them; it’s useless, it’s too much. Yet, the first advice you find anywhere is to keep trying and making these mistakes. It’s the only way anything will ever work out. 

You need to create the right mindset when practicing. Always prepare a snack that will stimulate your brains, take a deep breath in, and accept failure as a part of the process. Then, reduce any distractions when you practice and dedicate some time focusing on writing. The number of mistakes will reduce, and you will feel gratitude you didn’t quit it too early.

You expect to be living and breathing JS

The worst advice anyone can give is to be madly in love with something you do. While it encourages you to take on a challenge, it’s not a healthy relationship. Respecting the subject you learn and being consumed by it are different things. The latter is even counterproductive in its nature.

Eventually, you will ask yourself: “Why on earth would I keep failing if I am passionate about this stuff?” Passion has nothing to do with results. You don’t need to obsess twelve hours a day on your JS tasks and think only about it. If you keep studying consistently, even for one hour, you are winning. 

You set deadlines 

Some people prefer to know the estimated time it will take them to learn something. However, programming is something you consistently develop and upkeep along your career journey. 

Be sure to dedicate time to learning and do it consistently. These are the only deadlines you should follow. Even then, give yourself breaks from learning to avoid burnout. 

You think that courses, books, or resources will give you all the answers

No source will give you everything you need. It’s also hard to find a course that will accommodate your needs specifically, but you can try to find it. Always signing up for new tutorials and courses can be overwhelming eventually.

It’s easy to get stuck in a loop of beginner courses without moving further. Focus on what you already learned and move from this point forward. Creating small projects is the only answer to all questions that may occur. After all, the issues you can address come up only in practice.

You don’t try to understand the syntax

JS is the OG of the syntax that breaks any rules of logic. Forget about Syntactic Sugar, when a programming language actually resembles a human speech. You need to figure out syntax first and avoid challenging it. JS relies on punctuation, and it feels like neverending run-on sentences.

You can make it easier by breaking down the code and using comments, indentation, and spaces to make it more readable for you. It’s the only way to overcome the fear of the cumbersome bulk of information. It’s reminiscent of Linux logic when you access commands through a terminal. Keep trying until you can actually read the code and understand it. 

You only copy & paste

Copy and paste code samples are the stage everyone goes through. Yet, you won’t go far when you continue using this technique because it doesn’t contribute to memorizing the syntax or logic behind the code. You need to overcome the fear of JS and start writing codes manually. That’s when your motor memory kicks in and helps you to memorize the syntax.

It sounds funny, but writing down code without overthinking it is the best way to overcome the writer’s block you experience. You expect yourself to immediately memorize every single command and term, but it’s counterintuitive. 

You don’t create your own examples 

Retyping someone’s code is a good way to memorize some JS rules. Yet, you limit your creativity and are stuck with learning when you keep relying on examples or tutorials. Start small and challenge your code. Have a plan and add more lines to try it out. 

Probably, at first, it won’t work as you need. But again, no one was perfect at first. Even the creators of JS. 

You try to jump over several steps

You are doomed to fail when you take challenges for experts when you are a beginner. It’s awesome to aim for stars, but it can be hurtful to fall before you even take a step. Don’t try to make sense of everything at once and jump into Angular or React.

One of the most popular pieces of advice out there you will find is to start with VanillaJS, the simplified JS. Then it will be a matter of time before you can start complex projects and be a pro at them. 

Summing up

Most of the problems come from how we are used to defining success. We all know it’s impossible to learn everything in one go, and still, we try to do it. All you need is patience, consistency, and practice. 

Good luck! 

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